Animal Champions

Home Animal Champions
28 Feb 2018
Utah Unites for Shelter

As you may know, my brother Steve, who inspired Pet-Friendly Francie, lived in Utah. He was also a big supporter of Best Friends Animal Society. And t

31 Oct 2017
California to the Pet Re

California has become the first state to require all pet stores that sell dogs, cats and rabbits to offer only adoptable pets from shelters and nonpro

13 Aug 2017
Borneo’s Baby-Face

Walt Disney himself likely found inspiration for Dumbo in the "half-pint' sized Pygmy Elephants of Borneo. Baby-faced with oversized ears, plump belli

2 Apr 2017
Sign-up now for Best Fri

Registration is now open for Best Friends Kids Camp 2017. And it happens to be FREE! The Best Friends Kids Camp is a summer day camp, full of fun a

4 Mar 2017
Puppy Love in San Franci

San Francisco Bans Puppy Mills on Valentines day! Thanks to Best Friends Animal Society, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to require pet s

22 Jan 2017
The Prince of Rhino Cons

Prince Harry declared today his determination to lead the charge to save the African Rhino. Goooo Harry, our Prince of Conservation! Harry announc

26 Sep 2015
US, China Agree to Ban I

Yesterday, President Obama and China's President Xi Jinping agreed to a ban on ivory trading!!! This is fantastic news for our elephant friends, who f

12 Aug 2015
#GoGrey for World Elepha

This World Elephant Day, August 12, people around the globe are uniting to protect & celebrate elephants! They need our help. Increasing demand for iv

1 Aug 2015
UPROAR over Cecil the Li

This beautiful, gentle lion - one of the oldest and most famous lions in Zimbabwe - was illegally murdered by an american trophy hunter. Since Lions,